Commonly Attacked Network Ports
This is a simple list of ports that are commonly used and frequently attacked.
21/tcp - FTP
22/tcp - SSH
23/tcp - Telnet
25/tcp - SMTP
53/both - DNS
80/tcp - HTTP
110/tcp - POP3
123/udp - NTP
137/both - NetBIOS Name Service
138/both - NetBIOS Datagram Service
139/both - NetBIOS Session Service
143/tcp - IMAP
389/both - LDAP
443/tcp - HTTPS
445/tcp - Active Directory
465/tcp - SMTPS
587/tcp - SMTP
995/tcp - POP3S
1022/tcp - SSH-2
1433/tcp - MS-SQL
3306/both - MySQL
3389/both - RDP
4786/both - Cisco Smart Install
5432/both - PostgreSQL
8080/tcp - HTTP-2
11211/udp - Memcached
Written on April 13, 2018